Market data & share price chart

Share price information

Shares in Issue: 187.08M
P/E Ratio (x): 2.00
Div Yield (%): 6.00
Mkt Cap (£): 247.70M
  • Market Symbol: MARS
  • Exchange: LON
  • Currency: GBX
  • As of: 06:35 on 27 July 2024

Market data

Current Change Best Bid Best offer
39.10p 0.25p 39.40p 39.40p
Last close 52 wk high 52 wk low Day Volume Last sale
39.10p 39.80p 25.55p 840,936 39.10p

Share price chart

Please note: On 9 January 2007 our shares were split four for one. The chart shows our shares prior to the split rebased to allow easy comparison with the current share price. To find the actual price of shares prior to 9 January you will need to multiply the figures in the chart by four.

Sector classification

We are classified by FTSE as being in the Restaurants and Bars sub-sector of the Travel and Leisure sector.


We are included within the:


You can also look at the Marston's PLC entry on the London Stock Exchange Website.

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