Energy & Carbon

Energy and carbon are two of our biggest environmental impacts. Heightened environmental awareness, costs, regulation and advances in technology are helping us to develop new programmes to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

The use of energy throughout our business is re-evaluated each year. For Marston’s, improvements in energy utilisation through green technology, building design and behavioural change are intended to drive significant savings in emissions.

Electricity and gas usage are dominant. As our food sales increase it becomes more difficult to decrease our absolute energy use year-on-year. However, we are reviewing other ways to mitigate these emissions such as moving to renewable energy or offsetting.

Gas and electricity usage in managed pubs is monitored and this data is validated. Energy use is collected by Automated Meter Readings, and also from manually read meters. This data is cross checked against expected consumption.

Greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 & 2)

Currently we do not report the scope 3 emissions by our supply chain. We are working with the Zero Carbon Forum and our suppliers to calculate this data in future years.

Source 2022
CO2 tonnes
CO2 tonnes
Electricity and gas 66,672 57,484
Petrol and diesel 17 66
Refrigerants 5,061 5,012
LPG 1,780 1,700
Oil 185 302
Total 73,715 64,564

Greenhouse gas emissions intensity ratio (scope 1 & 2 emissions)

2022 2021
CO2 tonnes per £100k (turnover) 9.21 16.07

Energy usage (scope 1 & 2)

364,867 302,031

Notes to emissions data:

1. We report on all the measured emissions sources required under the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013.
2. Data collected is in respect of the year ended 30 June 2022, in accordance with the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting regulation.
3. Total gas consumption compared to last year increased by 23%. Electricity consumption increased by 20%. To reduce the energy consumed we focus on various initiatives each year. Our catering equipment is sourced to increase efficiencies, including fryers that filter oil to increase oil life, and high efficiency chargrills. All of Marston’s cabinet refrigerators purchased are high-efficiency hydrocarbon units. We install LED lighting in all internal areas, and use integrated movement sensors in our back of house areas, reducing the operational hours of lighting. We installed voltage optimisation in all of our new-build sites and have retro-fitted them into other sites across estate. This year, we have also increased the proportion of electricity from renewable sources, which now accounts for 10% of the energy consumed.
4. The Greenhouse gas emissions intensity ratio was distorted in 2021 by the trading restrictions during the pandemic. While we took steps to reduce energy usage in our pubs when impacted by trading restrictions, we still had to maintain refrigeration, heating and lighting in order to trade, particularly in those pubs where the manager lives on site.